Saturday, January 14, 2012

Yes this a new blog post!

Peace Corps round 2 has presented many challenges some I was able to overcome with little trouble, however some I am still trying to overcome.  I returned to the Peace Corps to try and figure out what I wanted to do with my life, and after one year I am no closer to figuring that out, which is one reason I am glad I have a whole other year to at least pick a direction.  Instead of focusing options, it created more options and questions. 
                The school year is now starting and I am hoping that after the few bumps we have had this week will have smooth sailing for the rest of the term.  I will again be teaching Biology this year as well as trying to start an English Club, and a GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) Club.  I am trying to stay busy and positive and I am very hopeful for a good year, and glad that there are things to look forward too.  I hope to travel to Tanzania this year, as well as going back to Akagera Park and Gorilla Trekking. 
                I hope to be better at updating my blog; I make no promises, but I will make an effort for you all.
                I wish you all have a wonderful New Year!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am Glad you are posting again! Keep a strong hold on the POSITIVE this year! You are awesome!
